In this age of e-mail, internet access, fax machines, overnight delivery and computerized 3-D modeling, the engineering team does not have to be on site to make sure the job is done right.
AECUSA-LLC’s engineering services cover the full spectrum of technical consulting including structures, systems and avionics engineering, STC development and implementation, aging aircraft programs, FAR compliance and corrosion and fatigue programs. Some of the areas in which AECUSA-LLC can assist you include:
Structural and avionics major modification data package development and approval including DER approval and STC coordination. Such requirements can originate from FAA regulations such as TCAS and Windshear, the need to integrate newly purchased aircraft into your fleet, changing operational requirements, and improving efficiencies.
Assistance in implementing FAR requirements. This includes TCAS, Windshear detection, cockpit voice recorders, and expanded parameter digital flight data recorders.
AD/SB evaluation and implementation guidance. Because many of today’s AD’s and SB’s are very complex, a clear understanding of what is required is critical to timely compliance and cost control. With SB’s, careful cost benefit analysis is required to make solid implementation judgements.
FAA liaison. Proper FAA liaison in such areas as planned mod, AD compliance and record keeping is critical. With years of engineering and FAA experience, AECUSA-LLC’s engineers can keep you in tune with the FAA.
Remote repair station technical support. AECUSA-LLC can review existing fleets for compliance with these mandated mods, develop the necessary documentation of implementation, and help integrate outstanding items into current maintenance programs.
Damage tolerance and repair audits. To meet regulatory demands as well as maintain damage tolerance for mature aircraft, evaluation of existing repairs must be done.
State of the art analytical techniques are utilized including the use of NASTRAN and other computer techniques when deemed appropriate. AECUSA-LLC utilizes AutoCad and AutoCad Designer software, providing parametric, feature-based design and automated drafting. This CAD package provides extensive 2-D drafting and 3-D solid modeling capabilities. We can accurately transfer data with high-end CAD systems and pass this data downstream for other applications, such as analysis and computer/numerical control. Along with our engineering associates, we can efficiently design and analyze aircraft changes minimizing the time an aircraft sits on the ground during the modification process.
For computer analysis, AECUSA-LLC utilizes the PC NASTRAN finite element system, which is a high-end structural analysis system. Models created in AutoCad can be transferred to PC NASTRAN for analysis. To compliment our analysis capability, we use MS Fortran, MS Quick Basic, spreadsheets, and Mathcad 7.0.
AECUSA-LLC uses Pentium processor workstations for CAD and analysis work and has complete plotting and copying facilities. For future projects requiring more CAD and analysis workstations, AECUSA-LLC is supported by a sales and service team ready to add the necessary equipment to fulfill the job requirement.